ACUE’s Learning Design Earns Quality Matters Certification

Quality Matters (QM), a leader in quality assurance of online and blended learning, has awarded its nationally recognized Quality Matters Certification to the Association of College and University Educators’ (ACUE) Course in Effective Teaching Practices. Following QM’s in-depth evaluation process, ACUE earned an exemplary score across all criteria.

QM reviewers commended ACUE’s course design, noting that learning objectives, content, and activities progress from foundational to higher levels of learning with relevance to both novice and more advanced instructors. They noted that faculty must apply what they learn and think critically about the pedagogical knowledge and skills they acquire. The comprehensiveness and quality of course content and variety of teaching styles from different instructors presented in instructional videos were praised as a “great strength.”

Reviewers also praised the course’s technical design, noting its engaging structure and how all course elements have a clean and consistent feel that keeps learners focused and progressing through the content. Video streams were found to be of an appropriate length. Interactive elements, such as faculty group discussions, aided in enhancing instruction.

“It’s an honor to earn the Quality Matters Certification. It represents ACUE’s continued commitment to providing college and university educators with the highest quality preparation to teach well and help their students succeed,” said ACUE’s Chief Academic Officer Penny MacCormack. “We carefully designed ACUE’s course on the latest research in cognition and adult learning. In the course, faculty collaborate and gain feedback from an expert in instruction. Also, engagement triggers and surveys activate prior knowledge. Discussions of virtual classroom observations prompt higher order thinking. Final assignments ensure that faculty both know about and implement proven instructional techniques. QM’s review provides an important benchmark that the course meets the quality design standards.”

Deb Adair, executive director of QM, said, “Congratulations to ACUE for their achievement in developing a quality learning experience for their educators. The QM Certification is the successful result of a quality peer review process based on rigorous quality standards. ACUE’s course certification for Effective Teaching Practices represents a commitment to continuous improvement, to openness, and to excellence.”

About Quality Matters

Quality Matters (QM) is an international non-profit organization that provides tools and professional development for quality assurance in online and blended learning. When you see the QM Certification Mark on a course or a program, it means that course has successfully met QM Rubric Standards for Course Design in an official course review.

About ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices

ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices prepares college educators to implement the evidence-based teaching approaches shown to improve student outcomes. This comprehensive offering includes 25 learning modules that address over 200 evidence-based teaching practices, organized into five units of study: designing an effective course and class; establishing a productive learning environment; using active learning techniques; promoting higher order thinking; and assessing to inform instruction and promote learning. Educators who satisfy course requirements earn a Certificate in Effective College Instruction endorsed by the American Council on Education (ACE). Visit to learn more.

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