ACUE's Effective Teaching Practice Framework for Higher Education

Based in efficacy, pedagogy, and research, and quickly applicable in class.

ACUE's courses, pathways, and certifications are powerful and intentional.

Offer your faculty high-quality online courses and expert facilitation with ACUE’s courses, pathways and certifications. ACUE courses have been developed to not only engage faculty in learning about evidence-based teaching practices, but to also be inspired to use them with their students. You can trust ACUE’s certifications because underpinning our entire approach is a deep commitment to efficacy, pedagogical best practice, and a research-backed methodology.

All ACUE courses are built using the Effective Teaching Practice Framework—a research-backed statement on the instructional skills every college educator should possess.  Therefore, you can ensure each course-taker is guided from foundational knowledge to higher order learning as they implement proven approaches, refine their own teaching practice, and reflect on peer and expert feedback with ACUE’s sound learning design. 

Engage with colleagues about teaching practices, successes, and challenges. See Feedback
See course demonstrations, hear from experts, use Implementation Resources, and review curated readings. See Feedback
Receive peer and facilitator feedback for continuous improvement. See Feedback
Write rubric-aligned reflections on use of practices and impact on students. See Feedback
Choose from hundreds of evidence-based practices to implement. See Feedback

Engage with colleagues about teaching practices, successes, and challenges.

See Feedback

See course demonstrations, hear from experts, use implementation guides, and review curated readings.

See Feedback

Receive peer and facilitator feedback for continuous improvement.

See Feedback

Write rubric-aligned reflections on use of practices and impact on students.

See Feedback

Choose from hundreds of evidence-based practices to implement.

See Feedback

What's in the Framework?

From Course Design to Assessment, the Framework is Our North Star

Learn how to ensure learner-centered course outcomes, build an inclusive syllabus, and more.

  • 1a: Ensuring Learner-Centered Course Outcomes
  • 1b: Designing Aligned Assessments and Assignments
  • 1c: Aligning Learning Experiences with Course Outcomes
  • 1d: Preparing an Inclusive Syllabus

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The learning environment you build impacts persistence, learning, and chances for student success. Learn how to lead a productive first day, promote a civil learning environment, motivate your students, and much more.

  • 2a: Leading the First Day of Class
  • 2b: Promoting a Civil Learning Environment
  • 2d: Motivating Your Students
  • 2e: Ensuring Equitable Access to Learning
  • 2f: Helping Students Persist in Their Studies
  • 2g: Embracing Diversity in Your Learning Environment

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From group  learning activities, to planning effective discussions – you’ll unlock evidence-based strategies that promote active learning, giving all students the chance to be fully involved in their own education.

  • 3a: Using Groups to Ensure Active Learning
  • 3b: Using the Active Learning Cycle
  • 3c: Developing Effective Class Sessions and Lectures
  • 3d: Planning Effective Discussion
  • 3e: Facilitating Engaging Discussions

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Advanced questioning, powerful note-taking skills, and beyond… Learn the strategies that can deepen learning and enhance every teaching moment.

  • 4a: Providing Clear Directions and Explanations
  • 4b: Using Concept Maps and Other Visualization Tools
  • 4c: Teaching Powerful Note-Taking Skills
  • 4d: Using Advanced Questioning
  • 4e: Developing Self-Directed Learners

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Learn the methods of formative and summative assessment that best promote learning and help you refine your teaching. From equitable grading practices to providing useful feedback – and more.

  • 5a: Developing Equitable Grading Practices
  • 5b: Creating Equity with Checklists and Rubrics
  • 5c: Providing Useful Feedback
  • 5d: Checking for Student Understanding
  • 5e: Using Student Achievement and Feedback to Improve Your Teaching

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When Faculty Succeed, Students Succeed

Show faculty you value their professional growth while creating the conditions for student success with ACUE’s courses. Together, we’re ensuring every student can receive the education they deserve.