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of Teaching Excellence

News Roundup: Innovative, High-Impact Teaching Practices

Teaching and learning centers are encouraging instructors to use innovative ways of teaching, and a higher education leader implores faculty to use high-impact educational practices at the National Student Success Conference.

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Centers of the Pedagogical Universe
Rather than introducing faculty to new technologies, many teaching and learning centers are teaching faculty to use existing tools to improve the classroom experience and exploring innovative ways to teach. (Inside Higher Education)

The ‘Quiet Revolution’ in College Teaching
Faculty and academic leaders met at California State University-Dominguez Hills to confer on “high-impact educational practices.” Many leaders are pushing to ensure that all students have access to these teaching approaches through methods like bringing students’ personal experiences into the curriculum. (Medium)

How to Make Sure Students Graduate With More Than a Diploma
“Students should be different when they complete college than they were at the outset,” George Kuh said at the National Student Success Conference last week. He advocates the use of high-impact practices like service learning, internships, and learning communities to enable them to learn real-world skills. (The Chronicle of Higher Education Teaching Newsletter)

The Case for Inclusive Teaching
Traditional teaching methods have not served all students equitably, Kevin Gannon writes. Inclusive teaching benefits all students, Gannon opines, urging instructors to ensure that their coursework reflects a range of beliefs and attitudes both in preparation and teaching itself. He also suggests that faculty consider how their own biases might influence their teaching. (Vitae)

How to Manage the Emotional Toll of Teaching
Jessica Riddell describes how teaching can take a toll on instructors’ mental health. In order to get out of an “academic funk,” she points to the lessons of Parker Palmer, who suggests that faculty remind themselves of what initially drew them to the profession and revisit the lessons of mentors. (University Affairs)

Partner News

West Virginia University: WVU held Innaugural TedX conference (WBOY)

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