Linking Learning to Careers

ACUE’s Consortium for Instructional Excellence and Career Guidance, launched in 2017 with the Council of Independent Colleges, is featured as a “Highlighted Initiative” in a new  paper by the American Council on Education, “Beyond Classroom Borders, Linking Learning and Work Through Career-Relevant Instruction.”

With support from Strada Education Network, nearly 500 faculty earned ACUE’s certificate in effective college instruction with a concentration in career guidance and readiness. Faculty developed instructional practices shown to improve student outcomes and close equity gaps. They also acquired approaches to make courses more relevant to students’ career aspirations and how to create assignments that develop students’ career-related skills.

“There is a hunger to improve teaching in ways that will help students engage more deeply in their studies while simultaneously guiding them toward career pathways that will lead to success after graduation,” said David Brailow, CIC vice president for development.

Across the Consortium, 95 percent of participating faculty find the experience relevant, are implementing dozens of evidence-based teaching practices, and are more confident in connecting their courses to careers. Over 80 percent of students reported that their instructor helped them develop career-related skills. In related research, such leading indicators are associated with closed achievement gaps, higher rates of course completion, and deeper levels of learning among students taught by ACUE-credentialed faculty.

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