News Roundup: Lifetime Learning and Career Readiness

This week, suggestions for promoting lifetime learning and preparing students for their future careers.

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Being Part of the Solution
Higher education leaders discussed strategies to drive student success at AASCU’s 2017 Academic Affairs Summer Meeting in Baltimore. (The Q Blog)

Former Top Official in Education Dept. Is Named President of ACE
Ted Mitchell, the undersecretary of education during the Obama administration, has been named the next president of the American Council on Education. He describes reinforcing the value of a college degree as one of his top priorities. (The Chronicle of Higher Education)

‘Precision Education’ Hopes to Lift Diverse Student Groups
Many institutions are investing in “precision education,” a new teaching approach in which instructors use a range of materials to approach a topic from multiple angles, allowing students to take different pathways to master concepts. (EdSurge)

Lifetime Learning Is the New Model for Higher Education
After years of research and interviews with employers and educators, Jeff Selingo concludes that higher education should emphasize skills that better prepare students for the workforce, such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and organization. (EdTech)

Who Is Responsible for Preparing Students for College and Career?
Data shows that many high school graduates are not prepared to undertake college courses, so Ann Myers and Jill Berkowicz advise colleges and high schools to partner up to make the transition from high school to college more successful for students. (Education Week – Paywall)

Sar-Chasm in the Classroom
After a student called him out for a snarky retort, Bob Blaisdell realized that using sarcasm in the classroom can be difficult for students to interpret and doesn’t belong in his teaching persona. (Vitae)

Partner News

Kauffman Foundation: Kauffman Foundation Offers Aid Through KC Scholars (The Kansas City Star)

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