Celebrating 10 Years
of Teaching Excellence

One Shining Moment: Resilient Faculty

The work of faculty and students—teaching and learning together—is the very essence of higher education. With dorms now vacant, stadiums and courts silent, libraries and parking lots empty, teaching and learning continues.

In the coming weeks, we’re honored to share stories of your colleagues nationwide, the #ResilientFaculty who are making an impact on higher education, and most notably students, that will far outlast this current crisis.

We kick off this series with our own version of “One Shining Moment,” the annual video montage of the NCAA basketball tournament, or “March Madness,” which captures the best moments of the tournament. We wanted to celebrate the extraordinary efforts of faculty over the past few weeks, but even more importantly we want to inspire you with a preview of the impactful stories to come.

Classrooms may be closed, but faculty ensure class is still in session. 

Call for Stories

We’re inspired—but in no way surprised—by the countless stories of faculty going above and beyond to help one another and ensure students keep learning.

At Cal Poly Pomona, instructional technology experts re-routed support calls to their personal phones to ensure uninterrupted support from “Studio 6,” their technology training lab. At San Antonio College, teaching and learning experts have trained over 1,300 faculty online in one week, working around the clock to support faculty across the Alamos Colleges district. At Broward College, ACUE-credentialed biology faculty are using virtual lab tools. And, virtual communities like the Online Learning Collective are being created by faculty for faculty to provide platforms for expertise, collaboration and collegiality that exemplifies the best of the professoriate.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be highlighting the extraordinary leadership of educators from every region in the country, to honor and celebrate the amazing work of #ResilientFaculty.


We want to hear from you! Send in your stories on social media with the hashtag #ResilientFaculty or tag @ACUE_HQ. You can also email us at info@acue.org. Or, directly contact a member of the ACUE team.

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