News Roundup: Regrouping Strategies and Recognizing Faculty

One instructor develops regrouping strategies after Hurricane Irma, and another suggests ways of recognizing faculty who serve as “emotional laborers.”
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After the Hurricane
When Hurricane Irma shut down her campus, Anastasia Salter realized she had to reassess her syllabus for the semester. The hurricane taught her to assume the worst, communicate early and often, and know her campus policies and resources. (ProfHacker)

20 Types of Learning Journals That Help Students Think
Terry Heick describes how keeping learning journals—writing that deepens learning for students—promotes thinking. Here, she describes 20 types of journals, from an inquiry-focused “question journal” to a “doodle journal,” in which students illustrate their learning experiences in all types of classes. (TeachThought)

Sacrifices on the Altar of “Correctness”
Focusing too heavily on grammatical accuracy in students’ writing interferes with their freedom to be inventive, John Warner opines. He suggests students be allowed to explore and experiment with language without worrying too much about “correctness.” (Just Visiting)

Recognizing Emotional Labor in Academe
Julia Shayne encourages colleges to reward faculty who also serve as “emotional laborers”—supporting marginalized students in the classroom and beyond—by offering more resources, standing up for underrecognized colleagues, and mentoring junior faculty. (Inside Higher Ed)

Partner News

Connecticut State Colleges and Universities: Low-Cost Program for College Commuters a ‘Game Changer’ (Mass Transit)

West Virginia University: WVU president commits to economic leadership (Williamson Daily News)

American Council on Education: Registration for ACE2018 is now open (ACE)

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