Celebrating 10 Years
of Teaching Excellence

Collaborate: Facilitator Comments

“When you learn something exciting and meaningful, you want to share it. This is one of the ideas that drives us as teachers, but it’s also one of the ideas that has driven our cohort as learners in the ACUE course. We meet face-to-face every two weeks to try out our insights on one another, to confess our challenges, and to celebrate our successes—with cake, whenever necessary. I cannot imagine us doing without these important opportunities to think together and to laugh together. The meetings ensure that we are aware of our colleagues’ mutual support, and they bring us together as participants in one of education’s highest missions, which is the strengthening of purposeful community.”

– Matthew P, Facilitator


“I hope you’re enjoying the “Effective Lecture” module as much as I am. There were three of us watching it together on Monday, and we had a laugh at the “Observe and Analyze” bit — until we remarked that we were watching a version of ourselves! It’s sad but true.”

– Excerpt from facilitator announcement, Albion College