In this module, faculty learn how to write course learning outcomes that effectively define what students will know and be able to do at the end of a course. The module introduces a set of steps for writing outcomes that are student-centered, actionable, specific, sequenced from foundational to more complex, and aligned—when appropriate—to program, department, and institutional outcomes.
To satisfy the module requirements, faculty must apply the recommended techniques to write new learning outcomes or revise their existing learning outcomes.
This module is one of five modules under ACUE’s unit on Designing an Effective Course and Class.
In this module, faculty learn how to design assessments that most effectively and efficiently allow students to demonstrate mastery of course outcomes. In addition, the module includes techniques to help students prepare to meet assessment expectations.
To satisfy the module requirements, faculty must apply at least one technique, such as revising a course assessment based on the cognitive levels of applicable learning outcomes, developing an assessment blueprint, or creating a course assessment plan.
This module is one of five modules under ACUE’s unit on Designing an Effective Course and Class.
In this module, instructors will learn how to ensure and develop learning experiences aligned with course outcomes, assessments and assignments.
In addition, instructors will learn how to ensure students have the practice and retrieval opportunities needed to be prepared for success on course assessments and assignments as well as being prepared to transfer the knowledge and skills gained to new contexts. To satisfy the module requirements, faculty must develop or revise a course activity or assignment aligned to course outcomes and designed to help students better attain those outcomes.
This module is one of five modules under ACUE’s unit on Designing an Effective Course and Class.
In this module, instructors will learn both the essential information to be included in their inclusive syllabus as well as practices for effectively sharing their syllabi with students. In addition, they will learn the benefits of creating varied types of syllabi including a big idea, graphic, motivational and liquid syllabi to engage and motivate students.
To satisfy the module requirements, practicing faculty must apply at least one technique, such as using a checklist and guiding questions to revise their syllabus or creating their own graphic or big ideas syllabus.
This module is one of five modules under ACUE’s unit on Designing an Effective Course and Class.
Learn how to ensure learner-centered course outcomes, build a syllabus, and more.
The learning environment you build impacts persistence, learning, and chances for student success. Learn how to lead a productive first day, promote a civil learning environment, motivate your students, and much more.
From group learning activities, to planning effective discussions – you’ll unlock evidence-based strategies that promote active learning, giving all students the chance to be fully involved in their own education.
Advanced questioning, powerful note-taking skills, and beyond… Learn the strategies that can deepen learning and enhance every teaching moment.
Learn the methods of formative and summative assessment that best promote learning and help you refine your teaching. From equitable grading practices to providing useful feedback – and more.
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