In this module, faculty learn how to plan for a successful first day of class or first week of an online module by building a community of learners, and implementing active learning strategies to help students understand course expectations.
To satisfy the module requirements, faculty must apply one or more techniques, such as creating an outline for the first class session, developing an online orientation module, using an icebreaker or online introduction activity, or assigning a syllabus activity.
In this module, faculty learn how to work with students to set expectations for a civil learning environment in the classroom or online. In addition, the module helps faculty effectively address low-, mid-, and high-level disruptions.
To satisfy the module requirements, faculty must apply one or more techniques, such as writing policies regarding classroom civility or online netiquette, establishing classroom norms with students, or using appropriate methods to respond to student behaviors.
In this module, faculty learn how to motivate students by developing students’ appreciation for their discipline. In addition, faculty learn to support student success through goal setting, incentivizing assignment completion, and using a variety of assessment and instructional strategies to meet varied learning needs.
To satisfy the module requirements, faculty must apply one or more techniques, such as discussing their interest in the discipline in class or in an online video, establishing incentives for assignment completion, or teaching students the DAPPS formula for setting goals.
In this module, faculty learn how to assess students’ levels of readiness in order to inform instruction and encourage the use of campus or online resources for academic support. The module also teaches faculty how to clearly communicate their expectations and use grading practices that fully support student success.
To satisfy the module requirements, faculty must implement one or more techniques, such as using ungraded assignments early in the semester, creating an online Buddy System, using a performance prognosis inventory, or sharing academic support resources.
In this module, faculty learn how to build intrinsic motivation by offering choice, providing targeted feedback and revision opportunities, and connecting course learning to career goals. It also introduces the concept and motivational impact of a growth mindset.
To satisfy the module requirements, faculty must implement one or more techniques, such as providing students with a choice in the type of project they will complete, offering students an opportunity to use feedback to revise an assignment, showing students how course content is connected to their career goals, fostering a sense of belonging to an online course community, or sending messages of encouragement and support.
In this module, faculty examine how their own experiences have shaped their perspectives and the importance of valuing different viewpoints. In addition, faculty learn about the power of explicit and implicit messages (microaggressions, stereotype threat) and how to create an inclusive classroom or online environment, as well as a curriculum, that is representative of diverse student perspectives.
To satisfy the module requirements faculty must implement one or more techniques, such as creating an inclusive classroom and online environment by ensuring your curriculum and course site reflects a diverse society, setting ground rules for productive discourse, managing or mitigating unconscious biases and microaggressions, and creating a syllabus that sets the tone for embracing diversity and inclusion.
The Effective Practice Framework
Learn how to ensure learner-centered course outcomes, build an inclusive syllabus, and more.
The learning environment you build impacts persistence, learning, and chances for student success. Learn how to lead a productive first day, promote a civil learning environment, motivate your students, and much more.
From group learning activities, to planning effective discussions – you’ll unlock evidence-based strategies that promote active learning, giving all students the chance to be fully involved in their own education.
Advanced questioning, powerful note-taking skills, and beyond…Learn the strategies that can deepen learning and enhance every teaching moment.
Learn the methods of formative and summative assessment that best promote learning and help you refine your teaching. From equitable grading practices to providing useful feedback – and more.