Celebrating 10 Years
of Teaching Excellence

Plan and Facilitate Effective Discussions

Providing discussion forum grading rubrics, assigning reflection activities, and giving strategic feedback are all covered in this tool. 

Plan and Facilitate Effective Discussions

Recommendation 1

Provide a rubric

To help students get the most out of discussions, set clear expectations for their participation. Providing students with discussion forum grading rubrics helps them understand, and therefore better meet, your expectations for thoughtful participation.

Recommendation 2

Assign a reflection activity

Assign a self-reflection activity, aligned to your discussion forum rubrics, to help students evaluate their participation in an online discussion.

Recommendation 3

Provide strategic feedback

The type and amount of feedback you provide at key points in a discussion should be strategic, to ensure quality discussions are taking place (Boettcher & Conrad, 2016, p. 167).

Online Teaching Toolkit

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