ACUE at the Fall 2023 Student Success Leadership Institute


In 2021, the Ohio Association of Community Colleges (OACC) partnered with the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) to offer the opportunity for faculty across Ohio’s community colleges to earn a nationally recognized teaching certification.

Under the leadership of the OACC and Ohio community college CAOs, over 500 faculty across Ohio’s community colleges enrolled in ACUE’s comprehensive course for certification, Effective Online Teaching Practices.

Participating faculty have learned and implemented new evidence-based teaching practices that are proven to boost persistence and completion for students, improve faculty confidence and engagement, and help institutions meet their strategic goals.

Faculty who complete the program earn a nationally recognized teaching certification in ACUE’s Effective Teaching Practice Framework, endorsed by the American Council on Education (ACE).

To date, more than 500 Ohio community college faculty have earned their certification in the ACUE Framework, and more faculty are scheduled to complete this certification course.


Research Brief

Discover the positive impact of faculty certified in ACUE’s Framework on Students’ Grades, Passing, and DFW Rates at the University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College


Review ACUE’s Funding Teaching Excellence: An Introductory Guide to Securing Title III and Title V Grants eBook for practical advice and step-by-step guidance to help you write a compelling proposal

ACUE Course Catalog


Upon completing all four of the courses in either of the following pathways, faculty will become Certified in the Effective Teaching Practice Framework. 

Effective Teaching Practices Comprehensive Course

For those teaching primarily in person.

The following courses lead to a Certification in the Effective Teaching Practice Framework.

Effective Online Teaching Practices Comprehensive Course

For those teaching primarily online.

The following courses lead to a Certification in the Effective Teaching Practice Framework.

Additional Course Offering

Fostering a Culture of Belonging

This course does not apply toward earning the Effective Teaching Practice Framework Certification.