Celebrating 10 Years
of Teaching Excellence

Ensure your course reflects a diverse society and world

This tool covers everything from creating a welcome message, to monitoring Q&A forums.

Welcome Students

Recommendation 1

Create a Welcome Video

Create a welcome message designed to calm student fears and let them know that you are “in this together” and ready to fully support their continued learning.

Recommendation 2

Create Q&A and social forums

Create a question-and-answer forum in which students can post general questions about the course and assignments. If you think it would be helpful, you can also create a social forum for students to connect with one another. Monitor the Q&A forum to ensure that correct information is being shared and to address any unanswered questions (Darby & Lang, 2019, p. 29).

Recommendation 3

Create an online orientation video

Create a video that takes your students on a tour of your course in the online environment. Try to include the following on your tour: (a) how to prepare for online learning, (b) directions for navigating the course, and (c) weekly communication expectations.

Online Teaching Toolkit

This tool covers everything from creating a welcome message, to monitoring Q&A forums.

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How active should you be online? What boundaries can you set? This tool explains.

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From ensuring your online course is clear and intuitive, to establishing a predictable rhythm – this tool helps you and your students navigate your online course with ease.

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Providing discussion forum grading rubrics, assigning reflection activities, and giving strategic feedback are all covered in this tool.

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This tool explains how to build short (6 minutes or less), instructor-produced videos that are informative, engaging and memorable.

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How can you keep students engaged and focused online, while supporting their learning and helping them prioritize information? This tool explains.

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