News Roundup: Enthusiasm and Inspiration
This week, Mary-Ann Winkelmes asks the question “If you could change one thing about your teaching, what would it be?” and shares three key guidelines to help you refine your practice. Plus, see how schools are increasing enthusiasm, personalizing lectures, and inspiring students from diverse and challenging backgrounds.
Mary-Ann Winkelmes writes that students with access to transparent instruction report a significant increase in academic confidence, sense of belonging, and skills that employers value. (The ‘Q’ Blog)
Faculty at the University of Southern Mississippi reflect on the semester and discuss their experience with ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices. (Southern Miss Now)
Thanks to the Second Chance Pell Pilot Program, which allows prisoners to apply for federal student aid, inmates are now able to earn degrees from select schools. (The Baltimore Sun)
Incorporating elements of contemporary culture like food, music, and television into lesson plans can increase both students’ and instructors’ enthusiasm for the material. (The Scholarly Teacher)
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Universities are personalizing lectures by decreasing the number of students in the classroom as hundreds participate remotely. (The Chronicle of Higher Education — Paywall)
To increase understanding and awareness of online deception, one instructor had students create Twitter bots. (Digital Pedagogy Lab)
Grad student Anne Guarnera suggests three ways to collaborate on lesson planning: choose a compatible partner, develop a workable routine, and agree to hold one another accountable. (GradHacker)
Joshua Kim offers six recommendations for building strong online instruction, with a focus on providing personal attention. (Technology and Learning)
Competency-based programs, which focus on effectively teaching discrete skills, may transform faculty roles by dividing professors into program designers and teachers. (The Hechinger Report)
Faculty should encourage students with challenging circumstances to share their stories in order to build resilience and inspire others, psychologist Angela Duckworth writes. (Inside Higher Ed)
Two cognitive psychological scientists offer six techniques to improve study habits. (Cult of Pedagogy)