News Roundup: Brain Science and Empowering Adjuncts

A report highlights the central role that faculty play in student success. Plus, get tips on how to set the tone for your course by making the most of the first day of class.

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The science of students’ brains. The first step toward understanding how students learn, according to Terry Doyle, is to recognize that teaching isn’t any different from other human-to-human interactions. (The ‘Q’ Blog)

Designed for learning. Colleges and universities are investing in innovative architecture on the grounds that new buildings will spur new thinking and increase collaboration. (New York Times)

Adjuncts at the table. Achieving the Dream and six community colleges unveiled an initiative to better involve adjunct faculty in their student success agendas. (Inside Higher Ed)

Student success “secrets.” A behavioral science research lab is turning its attention to higher education with the goal of establishing interventions that ensure students pursue and complete postsecondary education.(NPR Ed)

Classroom at the center. A new paper from EAB argues that faculty members are critical agents in student success, but too often they are “underemployed in that effort.” (Inside Higher Ed)

Syllabus day. A professor cautions what not to do on the first day of class and gives some ideas for how to start the semester strong. (Vitae)

Learning tools. Bonni Stachowiak curates a “top ten” list of learning tools for education as well as personal and professional learning from Jane Hart’s top 100 list. (Teaching in Higher Ed)

Probing PD. Colleges and universities are pursuing different paths as they make changes to professional development, from bottom-up experimentation to system-wide revisions of strategic plans. (University Business)

Olympic classroom. Hear how one professor uses the Olympics as an experiential learning tool by traveling to the games with her students every two years. (The Chronicle of Higher Education)

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