News Roundup: Higher Ed’s Top Innovators and Knowing What You Don’t Know

Catch our interview with two veteran educators discussing their shared insights on instructions. Plus, a ranked list of the most innovative figures in higher education and new research suggests it matters when undergraduates select a major.

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Two educators, one interview: Different approaches to similar goals for sharing insights, building
community locally, and more. (The ‘Q’ Blog)

From college presidents to network leaders and CEOs, read how 16 individuals in higher education are spearheading innovative solutions to improve outcomes for students. (Washington Monthly)

A recent poll asking college presidents how they measure success found that school ranking was far less important than ensuring students graduate with the skills necessary for their chosen career. (Gallup)

Professor Karen Brewer, Hamilton College, describes how each department will now design courses for its majors to meet diversity requirements as part of a new initiative. (NPR)

Professor Michael Wesch has a new podcast chronicling his journey to connect with students in order to be a more effective teacher. Wesch’s teaching is included in ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices, and his work has previously been featured on the ‘Q’ Blog. (The Chronicle of Higher Education)

A new report from EAB shows that students who change their major are more likely to graduate than students who never switched. (Inside Higher Education)

Two professors make the case that the shrinking field of American political history deserves to be restored as an area of scholarship at colleges and universities. (New York Times)

A college dean offers advice (that likely went unaddressed in the doctoral program) for new faculty on teaching, advising, and getting involved in governance. (Vitae)

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