News Roundup: Striving for Student Success in 2017

This week, join a professor as she leverages reflections from the fall semester to close out 2016. Plus, higher education leaders say their top priority this year is to improve student success.

Course reflection. Bonni Stachowiak describes teaching experiments she conducted last semester, including increasing the frequency of exams to lower the stakes of each one, and how she is using student evaluations to hone her lessons. (Teaching in Higher Ed)

ACE leadership. Molly Broad, who spearheaded the ACE-ACUE collaboration to improve teaching nationwide, plans to step down as American Council on Education president in October. (ACE)

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Transfer trajectories. The University of California has developed “transfer pathways”—clearly defined course expectations for given majors—to make community college students competitive candidates for admission. (The Chronicle of Higher Education – Paywall)

Learning sans laptops. One professor explains why he bans laptops in his classroom and points to research that supports his claim that students learn better without them. (The New York Times)

Technology trends. From tools for showing high-quality videos to insights for managing blog subscriptions, here are technologies to improve your lessons in 2017. (Student Affairs and Technology)

Spotlighting student success.Higher education leaders see student success as a top priority in 2017 and beyond, according to a new survey. (University Business)

Diversity developments. Over the past 50 years, diversity among higher education students has increased; in fact, today’s freshmen are more diverse than the nation as a whole. (The Chronicle of Higher Education – Paywall)

Lessons in leading. To transform students into society’s leaders, institutions must instill resilience and compassion and teach transferable skills, Davidson College President Carol Quillen writes. (The Washington Post)

College comebacks. Several states are offering grants and other financial incentives to encourage students who dropped out of college to reenroll. (The Wall Street Journal– Paywall)

Defending differences. In today’s politically charged environment, educators must expose students to diverse opinions and teach them to challenge their original biases, Michelle Mielly writes. (The Conversation)

Gene education. Students received DNA testing as part of a West Chester University campus-wide project, providing learning experiences that gave students greater insight into their backgrounds and sometimes challenged their views. (The Washington Post)

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