News Roundup: Inclusive Teaching, Higher Ed Leadership

This week, practicing inclusive teaching by leveling the playing field for nontraditional students, and the results of ACE’s 2017 survey of higher ed presidents.

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At Colleges, Demographic Changes Everywhere but the Top
Among other trends, ACE’s latest survey of college and university presidents shows that there are increasing opportunities for women and other minorities to lead higher education institutions. (The New York Times)

Educators Must Accept Tech Methods, Higher Ed Leaders Say
Finding ways to incorporate digital tools in the classroom, such as using Google Docs for peer editing, helps prepare students to use the technology they will need in their careers. (Converge)

Inclusive Teaching with A. T. Miller
In this podcast, a leader of academic diversity initiatives explains how instructors can level the playing field for non-traditional students by using approaches like rotating roles in group projects and checking in with students outside of class. (Teach Better)

Student Evaluations of Professors That Might Help
Some colleges are implementing pedagogy-focused partnerships in which an instructor works with a student not enrolled in his or her class who observes and offers feedback on the instructor’s course and teaching style. (Inside Higher Ed)

Community College Tries Fixing Roadblocks to Completion
As part of Mt. San Antonio’s strategy to improve retention and completion rates, the community college is offering compressed classes, which pack three semesters-worth of material into a single semester, to fast-track graduation. (Marketplace)

Sometimes Their Gripe Is Legit
Reflecting on his own experience with a student’s complaint, David Gooblar suggests that instructors examine their approaches and consider how they might be more open and transparent in their teaching when students offer criticism. (Pedagogy Unbound)

Let’s Plan Some Difficult Campus Conversations About Race
Colleges need to be more proactive in facilitating productive conversations about race and difference with diverse students, Natasha Warikoo writes. (The Hechinger Report)

Partner News

ACE: American College President Study 2017 (ACE)

Northern Arizona University: NAU partners with ACUE to Improve Student Success Through Instructional Excellence (NAU News)

West Virginia University: West Virginia University President Gordon Gee Seeks to Make West Virginia “Cool” (The Intelligencer)

Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation: Final Kauffman Scholars Class Eager to Leave a Legacy (The Kansas City Star)

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