News Roundup: Preparing Instructors for the New Semester

A Chronicle of Higher Education special report highlights programs that help new and future faculty become better instructors, and an education professor describes the benefits of a college degree that extend beyond job preparation.

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Teaching Ph.D.s How to Teach
In this special report, The Chronicle of Higher Education looks at an array of new doctoral training programs designed to ensure future faculty are prepared as effective instructors. (The Chronicle of Higher Education – Paywall)

The Unexpected Value of the Liberal Arts
Old stereotypes about a liberal arts education are starting to crumble, with students across the socioeconomic spectrum pursuing their liberal arts degrees and finding fulfilling careers. (The Atlantic)

Imperatives to Enhance Transferability and Access
Vistasp Karbhari encourages two-year college faculty to help students transfer to four-year schools by keeping the goal of serving students in mind while embracing diversity, improving communication, and aligning curricula, among other strategies. (The EvoLLLution)

Math Geek Mom: Two Roles
A math professor describes how being a mother has informed and influenced her role as an authority in the classroom and vice versa. (Mama PhD)

What Is College Good For? (Hint: More Than Just a Job)
Charles Dorn discusses the benefits received from a college education that go beyond occupational goals to include such things as expanding students’ horizons and aspirations and encouraging them to serve the public good. (The Chronicle of Higher Education)

Practical Tips for Semester Preparation
Advice for new instructors includes determining measurable objectives for the course and aligning assignments and assessments to course outcomes so that students understand the purpose of the work. (Practical Professors)

The President as Mentor for Tackling Hard Questions
Ronald Crutcher describes how he meets with groups of students to discuss their diverse experiences and viewpoints and suggests that these types of meetings can model civil discourse around difficult topics on other campuses as well. (Inside Higher Ed)

Partner News

Naugatuck Valley Community College: Community colleges move the people and can move the state (CT Viewpoints)

Kauffman Foundation: KC Scholars August 1 Celebration (YouTube)

Southern Connecticut State University: SCSU and Chapel Haven collaboration expands possibilities for varied-ability adults (NH Register)

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