News Roundup: Learning From Students

As the semester draws to a close, find out how instructors are learning from students who observe and asses their teaching practices. Plus, read about the ways faculty are engaging students, from visuals to blogging for real-world audiences.

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What Professors Can Learn About Teaching From Their Students

At the University of California at Merced, specially trained undergraduates observe instructors’ teaching and interview course-takers in order to provide faculty with feedback that informs their instructional practices. (The Chronicle of Higher Education – Paywall)

Classroom Strategies Engage “the New Majority”
Faculty employ research-based methods to promote success among first-generation and low-income students at Heritage University’s Institute for Student Identity and Success. Using exercises such as guided journaling, instructors encourage students to take ownership of their learning and gain confidence in the classroom. (Higher Ed Jobs)

6 Reasons Why Course Visuals Are a Must for Today’s College Students
More than ever before, students have choices in how they wish to learn. Ryan Eash advocates using visuals to engage learners. He describes six methods, from preparing infographics or annotated screenshots that clarify confusing concepts to creating personalized introductory videos that humanize instructors of online courses. (eCampus News)

“Some People Are Just Born Good Writers”
Good writing can be taught, Jill Parrott argues. She describes how instructors can teach students the art of writing by building their confidence and encouraging practice and reflection. She also suggests that assignments with a real-world component, such as blogging, help students consider their audience. (Inside Higher Ed)

We Don’t Need More Alternatives to College
With the advent of boot camps focused on career-based skills, Amy Ahearn suggests higher education blend its model with “bursts of career-focused training.” She points to new models that supplement a college education, rather than replace it, by focusing on career readiness and emphasizing the soft skills needed to land a high-quality job. (EdSurge)

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