AASCU 2017 Academic Affairs Summer Meeting

AASCU LogoHigher education leaders and ACUE head to Baltimore this week for the American Association of State and College Universities’ 2017 Academic Affairs Summer Meeting. Attending? Join us as we discuss why curricular coherence is only as effective as professors’ ability to communicate it.

Below are three ways to say hello and join the conversation:

  1. Tour ACUE’s Course! Schedule a one-on-on consultation with the ACUE team at the link above.

  2. Visit ACUE in the Exhibit Hall! Come by anytime to say hello.

  3. Join the conversation on social media. Not in Baltimore? Follow along online by checking @ACUE_HQ and @AASCU on Twitter for live updates. Plus, hear what everyone is talking about at #AASCU2017 . 


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