Cal State Northridge Wins Pedagogy Grant for Students in Remediation

California State University, Northridge, an ACUE pilot partner, has won a $100,000 grant from the National Urban Alliance. The grant will be used to implement a program designed to boost student confidence, improve time-management skills, and improve their math and English skills, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The “Pedagogy of Confidence” program is funded by the National Urban Alliance and was developed by Teachers College, Columbia University. It has been implemented in K-12 schools, but never before at a large postsecondary institution.

The program was initially intended to serve athletes, but it will be open to all students at the San Fernando Valley campus, the newspaper reports.

Cal State Northridge won the grant in large part because of the enthusiasm of Dianne Harrison, the university’s president. Harrison was keen to address student confidence, which she believes is lacking for many incoming students.

“They know they need to be here, but they don’t always have that drive or confidence that ‘I’m going to take the world by storm,'” Harrison told the LA Times, adding that mentoring and encouragement often lead to positive learning outcomes. “Sometimes it’s just a little bit of feedback that makes a big difference.”

About 60 faculty members from Cal State Northridge Matadors began piloting ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices last month. They are among 400 educators from 10 institutions taking the course this fall.

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