At ACUE, we recognize the transformative potential of generative AI in higher education. What’s paramount, however, is understanding how to bring it to your faculty, students, and institution responsibly.
Many campus leaders and faculty share that sentiment as evidenced by the enthusiastic reception of our AI Quick Study courses and the lively discussions during our recent webinar, “Getting Started With an AI Policy for Your Campus,” led by Dr. Penny MacCormack, ACUE’s chief academic officer.
To continue the conversation, we’re spotlighting a strategy guide we just came across from MIT SMR Connections, a subsection within MIT Sloan Management Review. It focuses on responsibly using generative AI in higher ed, and we think it nicely complements our recent webinar by showcasing successful practices from various institutions and highlighting the need to prepare staff and faculty for an AI-driven world with training and support. Here are some key points that MIT’s guide delves into:
Learn how institutions are creating policies to ensure the responsible use of AI by focusing on fairness, accuracy, and privacy.
Understand the importance of AI literacy and the steps universities are taking to educate their communities about AI.
Explore the benefits of AI in improving student engagement, personalizing learning, and supporting instructors in their educational tasks.
Discover strategies to mitigate the risks of AI-generated misinformation and ensure the reliability of AI tools.
Find out how institutions are securing AI tools and making them accessible to all students, including those with disabilities.
See how universities are preparing students for a future where AI plays a crucial role, both during their studies and in their careers.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on this guide and other AI resources that you’ve found to be insightful. As AI and emerging trends and topics continue to evolve, you can count on ACUE to be there to support you, your faculty, and your institution with evidence-based teaching practices you can trust.
Connect with us to learn how to bring the trusted ACUE Learning Lab of Quick Study courses to your institution. These flexible, self-paced learning experiences can have your faculty confident and ready to implement teaching practices in as little as 1 hour.
Connect with us to learn how to bring the trusted ACUE Learning Lab of Quick Study courses to your institution. These flexible, self-paced learning experiences can have your faculty confident and ready to implement teaching practices in as little as 1 hour.