ACUE Applauds Partners Recognized for Serving Low-Income Students

Congratulations to two great institutions.

Leaders of ACUE applauded a report released today by the U.S. Department of Education that highlighted the work of institutions that are promoting success for low-income students. The report—Fulfilling the Promise, Serving the Need—called on more schools to embrace promising academic interventions to ensure more students graduate college and are prepared for rewarding careers.

“Leading research on learning and persistence has enabled us to promote student success in groundbreaking ways. The institutions in this report should be commended for recognizing that in efforts to improve outcomes for all students,” said Dr. Kevin Reilly, President Emeritus of the University of Wisconsin System and a member of ACUE’s Board of Advisors.

“Good teaching has a powerful impact on student learning and is at the core of student success agendas on campuses with strong outcomes,” Reilly added. “Now, we must scale effective instruction to achieve our shared goal of preparing students with the knowledge and skills they need.”

ACUE’s leaders also congratulated Rutgers University-Newark and Florida International University, two of 13 public four-year institutions where outcomes among low-income students are outperforming their peer institutions. Faculty from both colleges piloted ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices this year.

“ACUE’s partner institutions have put effective instruction at the center of efforts to ensure all their students succeed,” said ACUE Board of Advisors Chairman and CUNY Chancellor Emeritus Matt Goldstein. “We are proud to see that Rutgers University–Newark and Florida International University recognized for their hard work.”

ACUE was founded in 2014 by leaders in higher education to advance effective instruction, support college educators, and promote student success. This month, ACUE’s research-based program was endorsed by the American Council on Education. Together, ACE and ACUE are leading a national effort to dramatically expand the use of effective college teaching practices to benefit students, faculty and institutions.

“It is absolutely critical that higher education get all hands—and minds—on deck to close the ‘opportunity gap’ often faced by students from low-income backgrounds and underfunded schools,” said Rutgers University-Newark Chancellor Nancy Cantor. “It takes working across the educational pathways to do that: from wrap-around supports, college knowledge and preparatory programming in middle and high schools, to forging stronger connections with community colleges, to better attuning the living-learning environment of our four-year colleges and universities to experiences of the diverse next generation. We’re proud to partner with ACE and ACUE on improving higher education instruction toward these ends.”

“At FIU, we are committed to helping all of our students succeed,” said Mark B. Rosenberg, president of Florida International University. “We understand that some students need more support than others, and we’ve created and invested in resources like our Math Mastery Lab, which has proven to be a key in helping students succeed in gateway courses, to help them get closer to their college degrees.”

About ACUE

ACUE partners with colleges and universities to implement scalable, research-based faculty development programs leading to a Certificate in Effective College Instruction. ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices was developed in close consultation with hundreds of college educators and piloted this school year at more than 20 institutions nationwide. The Course uniquely features the nation’s leading experts in college instruction and showcases authentic footage of exemplary instruction by award-winning professors. Faculty who satisfy Course requirements earn Certificates in Effective College Instruction co-endorsed by ACUE and ACE. For more information, visit

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