News Roundup: Confronting Biases

This week, recognizing false claims in the classroom and a professor who incorporates stereotypes into discussions.

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Learning from feedback. Viji Sathy explains why timing and methodology are essential considerations in collecting feedback from students. (The Q Blog)

Facilitating civility. Colleges and universities have a responsibility to teach and develop tolerance and cultural awareness, Liz Reisberg writes. (The World View)

Teaching with tech. Now that technology and learning are interconnected, instructors need to learn about technological tools that are relevant to their disciplines and use them in their instruction, Akiba Covitz writes. (Higher Ed Gamma)

Confronting preconceptions. A professor explains how she incorporates stereotypes into classroom discussions and encourages students to confront their own perceptions and biases. (Vitae)

Fighting frauds. After teaching students about pseudoscience and misconceptions from history in a course at North Carolina State University, Alicia McGill found that the students were better equipped to analyze claims and recognize distortions. (The Huffington Post)

Reading digitally. Jason Jones discusses the importance of teaching the unique skill sets needed for reading on screens. (ProfHacker)

Faculty success. A new paper suggests that collegial support may contribute to the success of junior faculty and proposes that tenured faculty could mentor new instructors by sharing course materials, reviewing their syllabi, and observing them in class. (Inside Higher Ed)

Instructing future instructors. Leonard Cassuto advocates for graduate programs to do more to train and prepare students in effective pedagogy. (Vitae)

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