News Roundup: Overcoming Reluctance to Embrace Research-Based Instruction

This week, an anthropologist reveals that faculty often hesitate to adopt research-based instructional practices because they worry about their students’ reactions, and other members of the higher education community weigh in with their perspectives on the study.

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“Fear of Looking Stupid”
Anthropologist Lauren Herckis concluded that faculty are often reluctant to embrace evidence-based teaching methods out of fear of embarrassing themselves in front of their students. (Inside Higher Ed)

The Power of Risk-Taking
Using techniques that are grounded in evidence lends credibility to teaching and improves student learning, Christine Harrington says. (The Q Blog)

The Necessity of Looking Stupid
Being more open about his professional struggles—as an instructor and a writer—helped John Warner connect with students and give them a more prominent role in the teaching and learning process. (Just Visiting)

The Power of Failure
Instructors need to identify the feelings that are holding them back in order to take necessary risks in their teaching and be willing to fail on occasion, Bonni Stachowiak writes. (Teaching in Higher Ed)

Higher Ed’s Juggling Act
Catherine Bond Hill suggests that institutions use their resources to help low- and middle-income students and follow the lead of universities that have improved student success on a tight budget. (The Hechinger Report)

Learning at the Intersections
Amanda Licastro teamed up with a nonprofit on a class writing project designed to help students see the real-world implications of her digital publishing course material. (Hybrid Pedagogy)

Motivating Students in Large Classes
In this podcast, Brenda Gunderson shares techniques, such as interactive note-taking, she uses to engage students large courses. (Teaching in Higher Ed)

Evaluating a Scalable Solution for Enhancing Teaching Practice
The American Council on Higher Education convened independent teaching and learning experts to ensure the quality of ACUE’s course, identify strengths, and make recommendations for adjustments to support its goal of strengthening faculty instruction. (Higher Education Today)

Partner News

American Council on Education/Lumina Foundation: ACE, Lumina Foundation to Establish Alliance for Global Innovation in Tertiary Education (ACE)

Connecticut State Colleges and Universities: State Colleges, Universities Working Together To Promote Innovation (Hartford Courant)

Housatonic Community College: Housatonic Community College debuts surgical technology program (Westfair)

University of Nevada, Reno/Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities: Welcome APLU Council on Research (Nevada Today)

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