Year in Review: 2016 Teaching and Learning Highlights

This week, 12 months of articles featured in the The ‘Q’ Newsletter’s “News in brief” section. Plus, don’t miss other top articles and interviews from the ACUE Community.

January: One way for instructors to reduce nerves before the first day of class is to be overly prepared, Linda Nilson tells the ACUE Community. (The ‘Q’ Blog)

February: Two multiyear studies found that high-quality instructional training for faculty positively affected student learning. (Inside Higher Ed)

March: The American Council on Education (ACE) and ACUE announced a landmark collaboration to dramatically improve student outcomes through effective college instruction. (Diverse Issues in Higher Education)

April: Lead by Miami Dade College and Florida A&M University, Florida institutions increasingly see effective instruction as key to boosting student success. (Politico Florida)

May: Changes to the student population and faculty workforce underscore why effective college instruction is necessary, U.S. Department of Education Under Secretary Ted Mitchell said in a discussion with ACUE’s Board of Advisors. (The ‘Q’ Blog)

June: Experts and faculty from ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices outline research-based classroom strategies to help underprepared students. (The ‘Q’ Blog)

July: Exceptional faculty are key to student success, especially for incoming freshmen, write Sue Henderson, president of New Jersey City University, and James Muyskens, former president of Queens College. (University Business)

August: American Council on Education President Molly Broad writes that teaching and learning centers are “vital” to student success. (The Huffington Post)

September: Kevin Reilly, founding member of ACUE’s Board of Advisors, urges college and university boards to focus on how effective teaching can improve student outcomes. (Trusteeship Magazine)

October: The University of Nevada, Reno launched ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices as part of the institution’s commitment to student achievement and diversity. (University Business)

November: Faculty at the University of Southern Mississippi get a rare learning opportunity through ACUE’s Course. (Hattiesburg American)

December: Mary-Ann Winkelmes shares three key guidelines for educators looking to refine their teaching. (ACUE Expert Series)

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