Partner Spotlight

Florida Atlantic University


Boca Raton, FL

Institution Type

4-Year Public



From Small Beginnings to Lasting Impact: How a Small Group of Passionate Leaders and Faculty Are Transforming Teaching Excellence at Florida Atlantic University

Florida Atlantic University

Pushing Forward During Transition and Uncertainty

In 2019, the team in FAU’s Office of the Provost found themselves at a crossroads when the homegrown faculty development program they had been building was paused due to internal changes and transitions.

That dormant period ended when ACUE was implemented in 2019 by the university’s former provost, Michele Hawkins. Among the early champions was Dr. Patricia Kollander, who had taught at FAU since 1991.

“When I first enrolled in the ACUE program in 2019, I did not think it was going to teach me anything I didn’t know already,” she recalled, “but it completely transformed my approach to teaching. After I joined the provost’s office as a fellow in early 2023, I’ve worked to promote the efficacy of this program to our faculty by making presentations to department meetings and other faculty forums. Because ACUE has revitalized my teaching, I wanted as many faculty as possible to benefit from this training and make a real difference in their classrooms.”

Bringing Others on Board

FAU’s commitment to teaching excellence continued to grow when Dr. Stephen Engle joined the provost’s Office for Academic Personnel in 2023. Determined to uphold the university’s dedication to instructional quality, Engle actively promoted the opportunity for faculty to become certified in ACUE’s Effective Teaching Practice Framework.

“You invest in faculty development, the return is student success – that’s their return on investment,” Engle explained.

While Engle and others saw the benefits of effective teaching, faculty buy-in was essential for the initiative’s success. With Kollander’s personal testimony and Engle’s leadership, the recruitment process moved beyond emails and formal announcements.

One of these efforts included individual department meetings, during which Kollander shared her experiences and showed them that this development opportunity wasn’t just another requirement but an investment in teaching excellence.

She conveyed the message, “We aren’t doing this to you; we’re doing it for you. ” This made it clear that certification in ACUE’s Effective Teaching Practice Framework was designed to support faculty, not burden them.

Impacting Students, Changing the Culture

Early adopters of ACUE at FAU quickly recognized its value, gaining practical skills they could immediately apply in their classrooms. Enthusiasm spread, and what started as a small group of faculty evolved into a transformative movement that redefined what it means to be an FAU faculty member and student.

“Patty has worked hard to change the culture—convincing faculty that this is the way to work smarter, not harder,” Engle explained. “Now, we have both the results and the buy-in.”

As time passed, faculty became eager to get Certified in the Framework, especially after witnessing the transformation in students.

In her ACUE testimonial, Anna Agapova, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Finance observed, “Completion of ACUE courses was specifically helpful in my online teaching, which requires an additional effort to engage students.”

In addition to seeing the impact of effective teaching practices in their classrooms, FAU began to recognize their broader influence on students.

“I’ve witnessed them become more determined, adaptable, and resourceful,” said Sigal Rubin, Senior Instructor and Field Experience Coordinator in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. “I’ve witnessed them become more determined, adaptable, and resourceful, not only in their coursework but in their personal lives.”

Group photo of FAU faculty posing in front of a window overlooking a football stadium.

Maximizing Faculty Development with Strategic Expansion

The team that managed ACUE at FAU was mindful of the faculty’s time and effort. In collaboration with the dean of undergraduate studies, they created a small stipend program. To maximize the impact of their limited budget, they were strategic and focused on areas with the greatest need.

“The biggest loss happens between the first and second semester,” Engle explained, adding that they’ve seen an improvement in retention rates and lower DFW rates with students taught by instructors certified in ACUE’s Framework.

The team also took a strategic approach to timing by creating an additional cohort for the summer of 2024. This addition allowed faculty to hone their teaching skills during the break and start the fall semester with renewed energy and improved practices. Many faculty eagerly planned ahead and chose to take the course over the summer.

By identifying the highest-impact strategies, timely incentives, resourceful budgeting, and directly addressing faculty needs, the Office of the Provost laid a solid foundation for the program’s growth and success. Their thoughtful, data-driven approach has positioned FAU as a model for effective faculty development.

Cross-Collaboration Throughout the University

Engle emphasized the broader impact of effective teaching on student success, a message that could also enhance the university’s marketing efforts.

ACUE pinning ceremonies, in particular, became a central celebration, bringing together faculty, university leadership, and even the president and provost to recognize these accomplishments.

“I’ll never forget the first pinning ceremony in 2023,” Kollander recalled, noting that it took place during her first month working in the Office of the Provost. She was struck by the enthusiasm in the room and the camaraderie that developed among faculty from different departments—connections that might not have formed otherwise.

Jonathan Sweet, PhD, Senior Instructor in the Information Technology and Operations Management Department, echoed this sentiment in an ACUE testimonial.

The weekly discussion boards in each course not only allowed me to build more collegiality amongst my FAU colleagues but also enabled me to learn some of their best practices and approaches.”

Advice and Looking Ahead: Expanding Impact and Sustaining Excellence

As FAU continues to build on the success of its ACUE partnership, the university is focused on expanding faculty development efforts to increase the number of instructors Certified in the ACUE Framework.

Kollander emphasizes evaluating program effectiveness for other institutions implementing similar efforts.

Looking ahead, FAU aims to refine its approach to measuring the success of faculty development, using data-driven insights to track improvements in performance and student outcomes. The team is committed to deepening the integration of effective teaching practices across departments, exploring opportunities to scale the program with specialized tracks tailored to different academic disciplines.

“Moving forward, we are prioritizing not just certification but sustained excellence,” Engle said. “We’re setting up a framework where faculty are continuously engaged with best practices, sharing ideas, and learning from one another.”

What began as a small initiative has grown into a sustainable partnership with a lasting impact, one that Engle is hopeful will continue for years to come. With ongoing support and data-driven evidence of success, FAU is poised to remain a leader in teaching excellence—a win-win for both faculty and students.

If you are struggling with DFW rates, retention, first-gen students, or trying to close equity gaps, consider partnering with ACUE. Whatever money you have for professional development, use this. Because it works.”

Partner Since:

Fall 2019

Instructional Staff:


Florida Atlantic University Logo

Faculty in the Program:


Certificates Awarded in the Effective Teaching Practice Framework:


Advanced Certificates Awarded in the Effective Teaching Practice Framework:


Completion Rate for Closed Programs:


Featured Bios

Picture of Stephen Engle, PhD

Stephen Engle, PhD

Professor and Associate Provost for Academic Personnel

Author picture

Professor and Provost Fellow

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ACUE has helped over 550 institutions achieve student success by supporting great teaching. Our faculty development solutions, endorsed by the American Council on Education (ACE), will help you build a culture of great teaching.

Let’s connect to talk about how partnering with us will boost retention, empower faculty in the classroom, and build the foundation of student success upon which you can execute your strategic vision. 

Bring ACUE to Your Institution

ACUE has helped over 550 institutions achieve student success by supporting great teaching. Our faculty development solutions, endorsed by the American Council on Education (ACE), will help you build a culture of great teaching.

Let’s connect to talk about how partnering with us will boost retention, empower faculty in the classroom, and build the foundation of student success upon which you can execute your strategic vision.