Call for Faculty Participation

Help Your Colleagues Create More Equitable Courses and Learning Environments

ACUE is seeking instructors who know and are willing to demonstrate teaching practices designed to create more equitable courses and learning environments.

Due date for submitting: Friday, December 4, 2020

An essential component in every ACUE modules is the demonstration video that allows our course takers the opportunity to see recommended teaching practices in use by fellow instructors in their online courses and classrooms.  We know that these videos have helped thousands of instructors across the nation try new teaching practices and experience their students being more engaged, asking more and often better questions, completing higher quality assignments, persisting in meeting academic challenges and completing the courses they teach at higher rates.

In order to help instructors create equitable courses and learning environments we are seeking higher education instructors who utilize practices for:

  • Designing inclusive courses
  • Creating inclusive learning environments

In addition, we are seeking instructors who can describe the following topics and demonstrate practices they use to mitigate the impact of each, including:

  • Implicit bias
  • Microaggressions
  • Stereotype threat
  • Imposter syndrome

If you are interested in sharing the practices you have used to create a more equitable learning environment for your students, please let us know by completing the process below.

Step One: Review the module topics and draft set of practices listed below and consider how you implement these or similar practices in your own courses. For each practice you currently use you will complete a brief survey which requires a description of how and why you use the practice and an explanation of how your students have been positively impacted.  We prefer to capture three or more practices from each of the instructors we engage in this process therefore we encourage you to submit an interest survey for at least three practices (they can be from different modules).  In addition, if you have used a practice that has been very successful in creating a more equitable learning environment that is not listed please feel free to select “other” in the most appropriate module and add your comments.

Step Two: Because the work required to show you demonstrating an effective teaching practice means you will be “on camera” we also ask that you submit a short (1-2 minute) video addressing the questions below, in connection to any one of the practices you have described in the interest survey.

  1. What is the practice?
  2. Why do you use it?
  3. How have your students responded to your use of the practice?

 Step Three: To submit your video.

  • Label and save your video with YourFirstandLastName_YourInstitution_VideoExample (For example: TashaJohnston_AmericanUniversity_VideoExample)
  • Go to
  • Click on “Add files” or drag and drop the files into the Dropbox site.
  • Once you have added both files, click “Upload.”
  • Once the upload has been completed, you will receive a confirmation page that says “Finished uploading.”

A member of the ACUE content team will review your submission and contact you about next steps. Should you be selected to participate in the filming, we will work closely with you to ensure you are prepared to be interviewed and filmed. The filming will take place over two days in December, 2020 and January, 2021 and you will be compensated for your work and your time.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to

Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning

Module EL1:   Managing the Impact of Biases

  1. Examine how conscious and unconscious bias affects your understanding, actions, and decisions
    • a. Reflect on how your identities and biases impact your teaching practices
  2. Mitigate the impact of bias in instructional practices
    • a. Use anonymous grading to mitigate the impact of bias in assessment
    • b. Use rubrics to ensure your grading practices are equitable
    • c. Track your interactions with students to ensure equity
  1. Use an empathetic approach to support student academic success
    • a. Use surveys, discussion forums, and office hours to get to know your students
    • b. Design course policies that reflect an understanding of your students
  2. Use feedback to reflect on your role as an inclusive educator
    • a. Solicit feedback from students on inclusivity
    • b. Use observation protocols to reflect on your role as an inclusive educator

Complete an interest survey for module EL1: Managing the Impact of Biases

Module EL2: Reducing Microaggressions in Learning Environments

  1. Understand the impact of microaggressions
    • a. Describe microaggressions and the impact on students
  2. Recognize and effectively address different types of microaggressions
    • a. Recognize and respond to microinsults and microinvalidations
    • b. Recognize and respond to microassaults
  3. Empower students to recognize and address microaggressions
    • a. Include definitions of microaggressions in your syllabus
    • b. Help students recognize microaggressions either as a recipient or by-stander
    • c. Encourage students to reflect and take appropriate action

Complete an interest survey for module EL2: Reducing Microaggressions in Learning Environments

Module EL3: Addressing Imposter Syndrome and Stereotype Threat

  1. Implement practices to reduce the impact of imposter syndrome
    • a. Recognize symptoms of imposter syndrome
    • b. Cultivate a sense of belonging
    • c. Encourage students to take risks
  2. Implement practices to reduce stereotype threat
    • a. Describe stereotype threat and the impact on students
    • b. Promote a growth mindset to address the impact of stereotype threat by:
      1. Sharing examples of persistence
      2. Prompting students to reflect on their own persistence
      3. Using low-stakes assessments and assignments to build confidence
      4. Communicating your confidence in students’ ability to succeed

Complete an interest survey for module EL3: Addressing Imposter Syndrome and Stereotype Threat

Module EL4: Creating Inclusive Learning Environments

  1. Share academic and social support resources
    • a. Share diverse resources and opportunities to increase students’ sense of belonging
  2. Foster respect for diverse identities
    • a. Use inclusive language including chosen name pronunciation and pronoun use
    • b. Prepare and monitor students to respectfully work together
  3. Set expectations and manage for respectful dialogue
    • a. Create community agreements with students
    • b. Explicitly invite diverse perspectives and viewpoints
    • c. Manage hot moments
  4. Make learning accessible
    • a. Provide resources your students need to learn best
    • b. Provide multiple pathways for students to reach learning outcomes

Complete an interest survey for module EL4: Creating Inclusive Learning Environments

Module EL5: Designing Equity-Centered Courses 

  1. Create an inclusive syllabus
    • a. Create a diversity statement
    • b. Create an accessibility statement
    • c. Adjust your syllabus to support inclusion
  2. Ensure your course incorporates diverse perspectives and experiences
    • a. Ensure course readings and materials include diverse perspectives
    • b. Explore the lack of diverse representation in course readings and materials
    • c. Ensure your course examples reflect a diverse society
  3. Be explicit about assignment expectations
    • a. Use the transparent assignment template
    • b. Provide examples of student work
  4. Ensure your course materials are accessible to all students
    • a. Incorporate design elements that address barriers to access
    • b. Format materials for assistive technology
    • c. Ensure accessibility on mobile and tablet devices

Complete an interest survey for module EL5: Designing Equity-Centered Courses

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