Michael McPherson -acue.org

Michael McPherson Spoke, Our Community Responded

Earlier this month, we published a Q&A with Michael McPherson about the value of quality instruction as a follow-up to the report The Future of Undergraduate Education, The Future of America. This conversation sparked such a great discussion among our community members that we wanted to shine some light on their thoughtful responses, which highlighted key concepts such as tenure, outcome data, and faculty and graduate student preparation.


McPherson’s discussion of tenure and contract renewal provoked comments about evaluation and institutional culture. One reader advanced McPherson’s statement about the difference between evaluation for improvement and evaluation for promotion by recognizing the “self-preservation tendencies with tenure that end [up] taking priority over the mandate to actually cause learning.” Another reader voiced support for the tenure system while also noting the importance of debate around issues that upset the status quo.

The discussion also unveiled a larger systemic problem that often poses challenges for non-tenure-track faculty. One reader poignantly asserted that “unnecessary stress caused by the lack of job security and respect facing adjunct and part-time faculty is distracting to say the least. This is reflected in their ability to develop relationships with students and staff alike. Faculty and student contact is highly correlated with student success, and I would argue, teacher satisfaction too.” As McPherson shared, without better support and working conditions for non-tenure-track faculty, institutions will continue to fight a cultural battle around the recognition given to teaching faculty.

Outcome Data

Our readers also discussed the need for institutions to view outcome data within the larger context of education quality rather than simply looking at it quantitatively. One reader noted that “the academic system, as it currently stands, is mostly interested in quantifiable outcome data. This includes retention and graduation rates. There is little value placed on the teaching aspect.” With little emphasis placed on the active learning process, this reader noted, “the ability to retain the information is diminished, [and] test scores are not enough to foster innovative ideas.” Another reader highlighted the role of the learning process in creating “a competent labor force, higher retention rates, and education hegemony.”

Faculty and Graduate Student Preparation

McPherson stated that although many college and university instructors have teaching responsibilities, “they get very little training in most cases for that work,” and many readers supported his position. While a few commented on the need for more pedagogical support, one reader provided suggestions for better preparing graduate students for teaching, such as “[incorporating] an intensive teaching internship, involving mentorship, within graduate programs as opposed to the prevalent system of employing graduate students for low-level undergraduate courses.” Additionally, this reader offered graduate student unions as a potential tool for ensuring fair compensation and institutional support. And while many supported the premise that a PhD isn’t necessarily a degree in teaching, one reader reminded us that there are some PhD programs, such as those in curriculum development, for example, that do include preparation in pedagogy.

Thank you to our community for this vibrant discussion! We invite you to share additional thoughts and feedback by commenting on the Q&A post.

Keeping Up and Staying Engaged: How the “Fishbowl” Technique Transformed My Class at Donnelly College

By Dr. Melissa Lenos, Assistant Professor and Chairperson of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Donnelly College

Melissa Lenos -acue.orgI held up a paperback and met 13 pairs of uneasy eyes. It was hard to keep the excitement out of my voice as I explained, “We’re going to read Bleak House together and we’re going to read it as it was originally released—in serial form. We’ll do one installation a week over the course of the semester.” My excitement was two-sided: Bleak House is one of my favorite novels (I reread it every winter break), and I was nervous. I typically teach freshman writing courses, and it’s been a long time since I’ve had the opportunity to teach a hefty novel. I felt rusty, and also worried that the scale of the text might intimidate my students.

Classroom demographics at Donnelly College tend to be unlike those of other schools, and this semester is no different. This “Great Books” designated section of Comp 2 has no young men and is majority Latina, majority English Language Learners, and almost entirely first-generation students, in keeping with Donnelly’s core student population.

Donnelly’s student population often arrives underprepared for college, due to continuous disruption and economic struggle in the local school districts. In my 6 years of teaching here, I’ve found that students sometimes fall behind in the first 4 to 6 weeks and then simply give up. With a 900-page novel, I wanted to create some failsafes to keep that from happening in this class.

Reflecting back on my first semester of the ACUE course, I decided to build regular “Fishbowls” into the syllabus. In the ACUE course, Dr. Tara Lineweaver describes the Fishbowl activity as a “close-knit conversation among four students” seated in the center of their classmates, who form a circle around them. The students in Dr. Lineweaver’s class prepare a short paper based on the readings, and then during class, she pulls four names from a fishbowl, and those students discuss the assigned articles for 20 minutes. The rest of the students listen, take notes, and have an opportunity to comment after the discussion has ended.

In my Comp 2 course, every Friday the students would come prepared to discuss one serial segment of the novel. We would randomly select three or four women to discuss the novel for 15 to 20 minutes (depending on the length of that week’s segment) and then regroup for a whole-class discussion. I also created a large, adaptable concept map to help keep track of the novel’s 50-some characters and myriad intertwined themes.

Friday was our most recent Fishbowl—each student has participated at least once at this point. We’d spent the past week discussing contradictory perspectives on the text. Several of the students are writing term papers addressing some aspect of the representations of women in Bleak House. The students found sources that argue for Esther Summerson’s powerful agency and determination, while other sources dismiss her as weak and uninspiring.

This week’s Fishbowl participants drew this previous conversation into their discussion, identifying moments that could be interpreted as supporting each point of view and considering how their perspectives of Esther have changed now that they’re halfway through the novel. They debated what Dickens intended the audience to think or feel about Esther based on how Esther, in her first-person chapters, describes herself and how other characters speak to and about her. The students then helped each other sort through one particularly confusing scene in the week’s reading and spent the rest of the Fishbowl debating developments in the overarching mysteries threaded through the novel.

Based on Fishbowl participation, whole-class discussions and their reading quizzes, I can tell that—6 weeks into the semester—every student is current on the reading. In a typical section of Comp 2, 10% to 15% would be dangerously behind, consistently absent, or otherwise struggling at this point in the semester. More than that, when I come into class at 9 a.m., they are often already chatting about the week’s developments: Lady Dedlock’s shady behavior and Mr. Tulkinghorn’s ominous looming. Last week they were particularly outraged by Mr. Guppy, greeting me with “Esther has a stalker!” Another warmed my heart, grumbling, “I wish Esther wouldn’t act so dumb when she’s not.” My students are pulling out interesting themes (Dickens’s portrayals of marriage, philanthropy, the legal system), noticing narrative trends, and asking compelling, complex questions.

This week, as we approach midterms, I had the students reflect on their Fishbowl experience so far in a 10-minute “Exit Ticket” for the class, which is essentially a prompt they must respond to before leaving. I asked them to reflect upon what they feel is working well with the Fishbowl exercise and what they might change or do differently through the end of the semester. They all agreed that we should continue with the exercise—that it keeps them accountable to themselves and their classmates. Several mentioned that keeping up on the reading and taking thorough reading notes feels more important if you know classmates “might be counting on you” to help lead a discussion. At such a small school, most of these students have multiple classes together and check in with each other during the week.

I find that every week’s content in the ACUE course impacts my teaching, but nothing has disrupted my personal pedagogy as much as the Fishbowl. I realized that I too frequently underestimate my students, that I jump in to “help” them too quickly, and that given control of class discussion, students will generate smart, provocative conversations. In restructuring the rhythm of my classes, my students have been given additional space to approach ideas from multiple perspectives. Every day that we have had a Fishbowl this semester, my students have surprised me.

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Cindy O’Donnell-Allen, Writing Prof and ACUE Facilitator

Dr. Cindy O’Donnell-Allen of Colorado State University’s Department of English teaches courses in teacher preparation, digital literacies, advanced composition, and creativity; she also directs the CSU Writing Project. Cindy is the author of The Book Club Companion: Fostering Strategic Readers in the Secondary Classroom and Tough Talk, Tough Texts: Teaching English to Change the World and the coauthor of Pose, Wobble, Flow: A Culturally Proactive Approach to Literacy Instruction. In her 2012 article for The Atlantic, “The Best Teachers of Writing Are Writers Themselves,” Cindy, a closet writer as a child, describes the debt she still owes to the high school English teacher who gave his students the freedom to write for real purposes and authentic audiences outside the classroom: “I analyzed. I narrated. I wooed. This was school, and I was writing. The circuit was no longer closed.”

Cindy facilitated ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices at CSU in spring 2017. As a teacher of future teachers, Cindy shares how she has taken ACUE’s techniques to heart in this week’s Faculty Spotlight. 

Using exit tickets and courtesy calls

Because I teach students who are studying to become teachers, I share the research behind the strategies I incorporate into my instruction. My students have been particularly compelled by the statistic indicating that 80% of students won’t do the reading for a course unless they’re held accountable. My students agreed with that statistic! They like entrance and exit tickets (I learned about these in the ACUE module “Using Active Learning Techniques in Large Classes”), which help me gauge whether they’ve done the reading and have given me insight into their questions, connections, and interpretations of course material. Students also like “cold calls” (a technique from the module “Checking for Student Understanding” that I renamed “courtesy calls”), because they encourage students who might not speak otherwise to chime in. This has opened up the “air time” in class so that we hear from a variety of voices.

Bookending a course

The “learning cycle” described in the module on “Using Active Learning Techniques in Large Classes” transformed how I structured one of my classes last fall. The class is theory-heavy, but using the learning cycle as a planning guide, I created activities that required my students to engage with that theory, use it to collaboratively solve actual problems, and complete tasks they are likely to face in their own classrooms, such as planning lessons and assessing student work. I bookended the collaborative, hands-on activities by revisiting the theory, which students used as a reflective lens for processing and evaluating their experiences.

Modeling high-level learning

We have an ethical responsibility to be the lead learners in our classrooms by modeling active engagement with our content. When we model “not-knowing” and the curiosity it takes to address and answer challenges, students are more likely to understand what high-level learning looks like. Yes, this requires showing our intellectual vulnerabilities, but how can we expect our students to take risks if we don’t show them how?

A word of advice

To make the most of the ACUE course, dig into the resources that accompany each module. I got some great ideas by reading PDFs and exploring the web links included in every module.

Cindy is a blogger on http://www.blogessor.wordpress.com. You can also follow her on Twitter at @Cindy_OA.

Classroom Diversity and Inclusive Pedagogy

By Amer F. Ahmed, EdD, & Shayla Herndon-Edmunds

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) continues to be an area of emphasis in higher education during turbulent social times. Over the past few years, discussions about DEI have increasingly begun to focus on student experiences (particularly with regard to their social identities) in the classroom. This has caused faculty to reconsider their pedagogy and how to best meet the needs of the rapidly diversifying students in our classrooms.

Developing inclusive pedagogical practices for the classroom is not an overnight process. It requires self-examination by faculty with regard to their own identities in relationship to their students. In addition, considering student-centered approaches that harness student experiences can deeply enrich the learning that may emerge.

Develop “Norms” With Students

The key to creating a learning environment in which students feel comfortable sharing with one another starts with asking them what they need to feel safe to share their experiences. Despite being a widespread practice in cocurricular learning spaces, the development of “norms and agreements” for difficult conversations as well as open and expressive engagement is still not a widespread practice in many curricular classroom environments. Taking the time at the beginning of a course with students to ask what they need to freely express their experiences and perspectives is well worth it. In creating a list of agreements, it is important to seek consensus from the class regarding the list that they develop and ultimately commit to.

See Dr. Viji Sathy, senior lecturer of psychology and neuroscience at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, work with her students to develop classroom norms in a video excerpt from the ACUE module “Promoting a Civil Learning Environment.”

Refer to (and Adjust) Class Norms Throughout the Semester

After creating the list, it is important to document it in a format in which all students will have ongoing access to it as they proceed through the course. Should a student feel like an agreement was not adhered to, faculty members can help consider how best to address the concern. This may include considerations for editing the list of agreements in a manner that may better meet students’ needs than the original list. As a faculty member, this moves us out of the center of the learning process and into a facilitative role that holds learners accountable to themselves as opposed to you.

Create a Safe Space for Self-Expression

Although this may seem time consuming, it helps to create environments in which students feel safe to share and express, especially regarding sensitive and challenging topics. This is particularly true with discussions that relate to marginalized aspects of student identities that often shape and impact their perspective on a number of topics (e.g., women, non-White, LGBQIA, low income, disabled, etc).

As a faculty member, taking the time to help create a safe space for engagement can cause interactive learning to occur in transformative ways that otherwise might not emerge in the class. The key is for faculty to be conscious of their own background, identity, and experiences as related to the course content.

In this excerpt from our Technique Talk on diversity, Dr. Jerome Williams, executive vice chancellor and provost at Rutgers University-Newark, discusses the need for instructors to examine their own backgrounds.

Key Practices

Here are some additional best practices to consider for managing the classroom experience:

• Learn about the cultures and identity groups represented in your class and on your campus. Understanding the cultural values and beliefs that may inform a student’s behaviors can help you to avoid making assumptions that lead to microaggressions.

• Explore your own learning and experiences of race, gender, religion, age, sexuality and become more aware of how they influence your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Instead of relying exclusively on the class roster, ask students to email their preferred names and pronouns to you prior to the first day of class.

• Provide examples that are diverse and use authors and experts who are diverse.

• Do not ask a student to speak for his or her “group” (e.g., asking a student for the Latino perspective).

In a clip from ACUE’s “Embracing Diversity in Your Classroom” module, José Bowen, president of Goucher College, discusses how to avoid spokesperson pressure.

• Contact Theory suggests that greater contact with another group reduces biases and stereotypes. Recognize that your students will have varying degrees of exposure to diversity and create opportunities that allow them to have contact with people who are different.

• Be an intentional role model. When dissonance occurs in class, demonstrate empathy and perspective-taking, and challenge comments, labels, or behaviors that are problematic, disrespectful, or judgmental.

• Challenge students to identify and bring forward missing voices and perspectives. 

While every discipline and classroom is different, the need for students to have a safe learning environment is universal. These best practices represent a fraction of the ways that faculty can meet students where they are, create safe space, and enhance the learning environment while demonstrating for students how they can do the same.

metaphors for teaching

News Roundup: Lifelong Learning and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

This week, higher education leaders advocate teaching practices that promote lifelong learning and culturally relevant pedagogy.

Sign up for The ‘Q’ Newsletter for weekly news and insights.

Adapting to the Lifelong Learning Culture
Bernard Bull explains why higher education institutions must adapt to a changing labor market, in which workers can no longer expect to remain in the same positions for decades. Because of this shift, he urges higher education to promote continual learning through efforts like providing feedback and viewing the process as transformational rather than transactional learning. (The Evolllution)

Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Can Meet the Needs of Nontraditional College Students
Nontraditional students are at risk for not completing degrees, Kemuel Benyehudah writes. To accommodate the needs of this population, he suggests that community colleges follow the example of HBCUs, as proposed by Marybeth Gasman, and incorporate “culturally relevant pedagogies”—teaching based on students’ values, cultures, and histories—into their curricula. (Diverse: Issues in Higher Education)

The False Choice Between Education and Employment Readiness
Practical and general skills complement each other, Peter McPherson argues, so the debate between a broad education and career readiness is a false choice. He urges institutions to develop new ways of preparing students for careers, highlighting examples such as creating employment-focused minors. (Inside Higher Ed)

Still Learning the Lessons of the ‘60s
In the 1960s, the University of Brasilia experimented with a “personalized system of instruction,” in which students learned course material at their own pace. Other colleges began to follow suit. With so much success attributed to PSI, David Gooblar hypothesizes that using elements of the method today would help instructors see students as individuals with unique backgrounds and capabilities. (Vitae)

How to Use Questions to Promote Student Learning
Facilitating discussions about course material requires the instructor to develop thoughtful questions, Spencer Benson writes. He suggests that faculty strive to generate questions that are “un-Googleable,” meaning students can’t search for the answers online, and to teach students how to develop their own questions and to incorporate these into discussions and assessments. (The Scholarly Teacher)

Learning by Doing for the 21st Century
According to Cathrael Kazin, creating classroom spaces that allow students to learn by doing—putting skills required of their fields into action—would allow students to see the purpose and relevance of the course material and equip them for the modern workforce. (The Evolllution)

Partner News

Arizona State University: Universities must innovate with a commitment to access, forum hears (University Affairs)

University of Southern Mississippi: USM Marker Honors Clyde Kennard (The Hattiesburg Post)

Johns Hopkins study finds increased satisfaction and course engagement among students taught by ACUE-credentialed faculty members at Miami Dade College

ACUE’s course improved instructors’ knowledge of and skill in using effective teaching practices; course evaluations were significantly higher than college average

A new study by the Center for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE) at Johns Hopkins University, in collaboration with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness at Miami Dade College (MDC), of over 6,100 student course evaluations finds that students gave faculty credentialed by ACUE statistically higher marks when compared to college-wide averages. Students perceived stronger instruction across 14 of 15 indicators for both new and experienced faculty prepared in the use of evidence-based teaching approaches. CRRE notes that such changes are typically leading indicators of stronger academic outcomes to follow.

CRRE researchers analyzed the impact of ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices among 57 faculty members and their students beginning in September 2016. CRRE surveyed and interviewed instructors and analyzed 6,119 of their student evaluations before, during, and after instructors’ completion of ACUE’s course. Faculty enrolled into one of two cohorts, with CRRE’s analysis repeated for each group.

Among key findings:

  • Students were more satisfied with courses taught by ACUE-credentialed faculty. Course evaluations indicated improvements over time in instructors’ teaching. When comparing evaluations administered across three semesters, students gave higher marks to Cohort 1 faculty on all 15 measures and on 14 out of 15 measures for Cohort 2 after completing ACUE’s course.
  • Course evaluations among ACUE-credentialed faculty were higher, on average, than college-wide averages, with the difference statistically significant. Spring 2017 student evaluations in courses taught by ACUE-credentialed faculty were 0.12 points more positive in Cohort 1 and 0.20 points more positive in Cohort 2 when compared to all MDC instructors.
  • Faculty strengthened their use of evidence-based teaching practices. Ninety-two percent of faculty in Cohort 1 and 100% in Cohort 2 reported increases in their knowledge of and skill in using effective teaching approaches, findings corroborated by student evaluations. Specific areas of improved teaching included faculty members’ ability to:
    • provide regular feedback on students’ learning and progress;
    • create an atmosphere that encourages learning;
    • present information clearly; and
    • assign relevant coursework, among other practices.
  • Faculty recommend ACUE’s course to their peers. Ninety-six percent of instructors in Cohort 1 and 100% in Cohort 2 would recommend ACUE’s course to their colleagues.
  • Faculty’s confidence in their use of evidence-based practices increased. Participants felt more confident planning and designing effective class sessions, making learning more engaging, creating a supportive learning environment, promoting higher order thinking, and stimulating productive class discussions through questioning.
  • Faculty embraced course requirements to implement approaches and reflect on their teaching. Interviewees commended ACUE’s learning design, noting that the requirement to implement evidence-based practices was “the best part of the course.” Course requirements to reflect, in writing, on their implementation was also noted as a key strength.

“Today’s findings further confirm the importance of meaningful investments in our educators’ ability to teach well—with a comprehensive set of evidence-based approaches,” shared Lenore Rodicio, Miami Dade’s Executive Vice President and Provost. “Student course satisfaction and engagement are leading indicators of stronger academic outcomes, and we are pleased, although not surprised, to see higher marks given to our initial cohorts of ACUE-credentialed faculty.”

ACUE’s Chief Academic Officer, Penny MacCormack, noted that “student perceptions of teaching quality are among the few common metrics across higher education and provide empirical support for initiatives that aim to improve student learning, retention and graduation, such as the High-Impact Practices identified through data from the National Survey of Student Engagement.” MacCormack continued, “Given the sheer number of hours that students spend with their professors, class time presents the single greatest opportunity to change students’ lives, and we’re thrilled to see ACUE-credentialed educators are having the tangible impact we seek and expect.”

Steven Ross, Senior Research Scientist and professor at the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University, shared, “It’s notable to see such positive findings, repeated across two cohorts of analysis, so soon after this kind of faculty training and development. As it usually takes time for educators to learn and use more effective practices, it is noteworthy that we did not see an ‘implementation dip’ in their evaluations, but that they showed positive trends.”

Visit acue.org/impact to read the full evaluation reports from Johns Hopkins University.