Content Refresher: Liquid Syllabus

Your course syllabus serves as a roadmap for the entire course and outlines expectations, assignments, readings, and due dates.

One way to ensure that students have easy access to this important tool is by creating a liquid syllabus, which is a web-based version that can serve as a “one-stop shop” for course information, incorporate engaging visuals, and include a friendly welcome video to ensure your students feel welcomed and supported from the start.

Hear from Dr. Michelle Pacansky-Brock about steps you can take to create your own liquid syllabus and the benefits of doing so.

Where to Start

Develop Your Homepage

Explore the Benefits

We invite you to access Dr. Pacansky-Brock’s example of her own liquid syllabus, and then visit her open-access resource to create your own.

Ask Yourself: What are the three most important components I want to include on the homepage of my liquid syllabus?

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