Educause Survey: Faculty Development is This Year’s Number One Topic

Faculty development is the most important topic in the teaching and learning community, according to an annual survey produced by the Educause Learning Initiative (ELI). A record number of community members participated in this year’s poll, the learning initiative reports.
ELI surveyed 530 community members on key themes and opportunities in teaching and learning in higher education. Members of the Educause community include over 1,800 colleges and universities and over 300 corporations serving higher education information technology as well as associations, state and federal agencies, system offices, and other nonprofit organizations. Themes included in the poll ranged from emerging learning technologies to assessment methods.

The results align with a recent survey ACUE commissioned through Hart Research Associates. From April to June 2015, Hart collected data from a thousand college educators. Nine in 10 faculty said that further professional development is important to their careers and will help them raise student outcomes, according to the survey.

The results affirm that faculty recognize the importance of bolstering their skills in order to achieve student success.

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