Darvelle Hutchins
Dr. Darvelle Hutchins is a Milwaukee, Wisconsin, native with contagious enthusiasm and passion for inclusive organizing.
Darvelle serves as the Senior Director of Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion with the New Orleans Saints and New Orleans Pelicans. Before arriving at the New Orleans Saints and Pelicans, Darvelle worked 14 years in corporate America and academic settings, where he acquired leadership, educational and consulting skills. He now serves as the CEO and principal consultant for Jamison Consulting Group, and has been sought by the U.S. Armed Forces where he assesses and develops education and training on diversity topics.
Darvelle holds an impressive academic portfolio, including a bachelor’s degree in communication and studies in leadership, an MBA in human resources, a master’s degree in communication studies, and a doctorate in organizational communication. Darvelle’s research on diversity, power, and stigmatized identities in organizational contexts has been published in multiple books and journal articles, including the Journal of Diversity and Higher Education, Management Communication Quarterly, and the Journal of Family Communication.
Darvelle received the 2021 Outstanding Contributed Chapter award from the National Communication Association for his work on Stigma Communication and Power: Managing Inclusion and Exclusion in the Workplace featured in the book Organizing Inclusion: Moving Diversity from Demographics to Communication Processes (Routledge). Additionally, he has been named the 2020 winner of the Frank and Lila Gilman Memorial Fellowship Award for exemplary scholarship in organizational communication research. And the recipient of the 2021 Graduate Research Award at the University of Missouri for his co-authorship in writing DEI 2.0, released in bookstores in September 2022. DEI 2.0 is a toolkit that serves as a step-by-step guide for diversity practitioners interested in designing effective and transformative virtual diversity education.
When Darvelle is not busy working, he enjoys traveling and serving as a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.