Jennifer Imazeki
Dr. Jennifer Imazeki is a Senate Distinguished Professor and Professor of Economics at San Diego State University, currently serving as the Associate Vice President for Faculty and Staff Diversity. Her research has focused on the economics of K-12 education, including work on school finance reform, adequacy and teacher labor markets. In her previous role as CTL Director, Dr. Imazeki initiated multiple programs to promote inclusive teaching practices and to engage faculty in scholarly evaluation of their teaching. She is Past-President of the CSU Faculty Development Council, representing faculty developers in the California State University system, and has been an invited keynote speaker at multiple faculty development events. As AVP for Faculty and Staff Diversity, Dr. Imazeki serves as Director of the Center for Inclusive Excellence, the campus hub for professional learning and capacity-building around justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. She also leads the Equity and Inclusion Councils, comprised of diversity liaisons from all campus units, and has overseen campus initiatives to diversify the faculty and to develop diversity plans for every division, college and academic school/department. Dr. Imazeki received her bachelor’s degree at Pomona College in Claremont, CA; and her master’s and doctorate degrees at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, all in Economics.